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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2003-01-01  |  3MB  |  5884x5807
Labels: audio cd | clock | crt screen | door | house | light | mirror | person | sand | screen | sky | stage | tower | tray | tree | water | windowpane
OCR: SIGMA SGMA Photo Pro Ver.2.0 PCP-2 For Windows R For Macintosh Windows@ Windowse 98SE 2000/ XP Me Macintosh OS 9/0S X dISC ACT FOVEON Windowsit Microsoft Corporationo F FOVEONIT Fovean X3 Foveon) T Windows is either registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the X3 United and the States, X3 loga adooar are other trademarks countries of FOVEON Foveon, Inc All registered other brands trademark pue of product Foveon name Inc. are rea istered trademarks or trademarks their respective owners Copyright c 2002 -2003 SIGMA CORPORATION Al! rights reserved Made in Japan. /Fabrigue au Japon COMPACT Windowsid Foveant regi 10g0 pective Fabrique